By accessing the Site, you agree that you will not:
- Systematically retrieve data or other content from our Site to create or compile, either directly or indirectly for a third party a collection, compilation, database or directory without written permission from us.
- Mislead, defraud, or otherwise trick other users and us, especially in obtaining sensitive information such as user passwords and login credentials.
- Attempt to circumvent, disable or interfere in any way with our Site security-related features.
- Use the site for any unlawful purpose.
- Tamper with, Copy, modify, create a derivative work from, reverse engineer or reverse assemble the Site, or otherwise attempt to discover any source code, or allow any third party to do so;
- Use any information obtained on our website to harm, threaten, abuse or harass another person, or in a way that invades someone’s privacy or is offensive or is unacceptable or damaging to us, our customers or suppliers;
- Disparage, tarnish, or otherwise harm us and/or the Site, in our opinion.
- Upload or transmit, or attempt to transmit viruses, Trojan horses, or other material, including spamming (continuous posting of repetitive text), that can interfere with any other party’s uninterrupted use of the Site.
- Interfere with our website in a way that impairs, disrupts, alters or inhibit the usability, functions, operation or maintenance of the Site, including any manner that damages, disables, overburdens, or impairs any M25 Group website or interferes with the way the website is run.
- Any unauthorised use of any Content or the Site that potentially violate patent, copyright, trademark, and other laws.
- Delete the copyright or other proprietary rights notices from any content on our Site.
- Mirror or frame the Site or any part of it on any other website or web page.
- Copy or adapt the Sites software, including but not limited to Flash, PHP, HTML, JavaScript or any other code.
- With the exception of when permitted by applicable law, decipher decompile disassemble or reverse engineer any of the software compromising or making up part of the Site in any way.
- Except as may be the result of internet browser or search engine usage, use, launch, develop or distribute any automated system, including but not limited to spider, robot, cheat utility or scraper tools.
- Use the site as part of any effort to compete with us or otherwise use the Site or our content for any revenue making endeavour or commercial enterprise.
- Use the Site in violation of the terms of M25 Group’s Acceptable Use Policy at http://legal.M25
In plain English, you must follow the above guidelines and not attempt to gain unauthorised access to the functionality or security of our website. In addition, no one should use the information found on our website to harass or intimidate any other person. Also please do not send us SPAM.
The bottom line; be nice and don’t do anything silly.