#m25movers #guide1
Moving with pets
We know moving is stressful, but imagine what it’s like being a pet who has no idea what’s going on around them. Moving home can have the same effect on your pets as it does on you. Dogs and cats can get extremely stressed out because of the unexpected goings-on in their home, not to mention being introduced to new surroundings.
It’s never easy moving with pets, so here are some tips on making the experience less fraught.
- Pre - Move day
- Moving day
- Others
Contact your Vet
If you’re planning to move out of the area, talk to your vet about getting any medical records they may have for your pets. Should your pets need medication to ensure you have enough to cover the time of the move and until you are settled. When moving to a new neighbourhood, your vet may be able to recommend another vet to take on the care of your pets.
Prepare a going away bag
Think of it just like your overnight bag when you take a short break. All the essentials your pet will need for two or three days until the unpacking is finished. You’ll need things like dog food, kitty litter, grooming tools, and favourite toys, so they have something recognisable in their new surroundings.
Pets away on moving day
When moving day comes around, it’s best to try and reduce your pet’s stress as much as possible. Try and keep them in the quietest areas. You may want to consider putting them in a kennel for the day or leaving them with a friend. Whatever you decide, give them a break, and get them away from the hurly-burly of the move.
Be your pet’s chauffeur
Don't let 'em out
Keep your pet secluded!
A Fishy Tale
Moving guinea pigs!
Don't let them fly away
The last thing you want is for the birds to fly away! Like all animals, birds are just as jittery about moving. Keep your birds caged at all times during the move, as you don’t want them to fly the coop.